Wednesday, December 14, 2016


To:        Barack Obama
From:    Kitty Kelso
Date:     December 14th, 2016

Hello Pres. Barack. Today is a very important day - I finally have a wonderful finish to my book. You managed to create a situation months ago that will have the most positive affect on Americans possible under the changing environment. I know you'll remember coming to me at Twitter in a podcast with a message that "You would have my soldiers out of Iraq within two days." which was going to be Labor Day. I said, "I'll believe it when I see it.". You said, "You're on.". And so it was. 

I was Tweeting about being in a writer's block on how to end my book. It lasted this long. I had to find the best thing you did so I could smile every time I see your wax figure in the new $30,000,000.00+ Presidential Museum build her in Springfield, Illinois. I was determined to wrap this book up "pro" or "con" by the State of the Union Address, 2017. I don't want to see you go by the way, no matter how many "cons" I have tripped through. You are the coolest President we will ever have had! I will smile really big, when I stand in front of that awesome made-to-perfection statue of you. Imagine, it will stand for many generations after we are gone. Maybe 100's of years. There you will be.

You will have to buy the book to find out the best thing you did. Because - it is not something I want the G.O.P. to get wind of because it will be repealed. It has the biggest punch to marketing and jobs that will rebuild this recession's infrastructure. It is a great thing and I am so happy that I get the extent of business it will impact. 

Too bad about Trump. It is an embarrassment to the U.S.A. face in my opinion and I hope the researchers and the media are mad enough to get this stopped.  Have a great retirement. Enjoy the girls. Visit them during college. Walk them down the aisle. I hear Barbados has a beautiful resort that you and Michelle can relax on the beach, dig your feet in the white sand, and reminisce about the folly of it all. 

As always, your friend, Kitty Kelso, 
Springfield, Illinois. 
Your ole Internet adviser. 
Whitehouse Group Past Official,

Monday, November 21, 2016

70's Classic Hits Nonstop Songs

For your cruising pleasure from me, and especially the vocals and Enjoy Kitty Kelso

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Roy Orbison - Oh, Pretty Woman (from Black & White Night)

I own the "Pretty Woman" movie. I have seen it over 100 times. This is the song I remember most, although it was full of a fantastic sound track. Kitty Kelso

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Charlie Chaplin vs. Inception (Original)


◆America's Got Talent◆Best Golden Buzzer Audition◆


Finding Peace after Election

I am on that side of the country that feels a bit lost with regards to our political situation. I am coming to the conclusion that I am a bit disappointed in Mrs. Clinton - I understand she was dragging a good deal of garbage into a prestigious platform and because of that, the people just could not get behind her. I feel the GOP fought a very dirty run for a win, and shocked that bullying and lies could still win the same platform. Mr. Trump had some good points that need changing, however, he also showed that he did not win on his intellect or wisdom of any kind. I don't believe either candidate had a good running mate which also caused great disappointment. There was a bit of circus atmosphere during the debates and speeches.
I see that the GOP took over behind the scenes and got Trump elected. Special interest groups across the world are very happy with this choice for a business dealing. I just worry for the people of the United States. He has already dropped several of his campaign promises to them, but they are coming and it will be shocking for the middle and lower classes. I see no future for business growth in the USA, and that can be nothing but troublesome in so many ways.
Individual success with small bonuses per month, working at least two jobs (none offer more then 20 or for sure less then 40 so as not to pay benefits), depending on family members or good friends who open their doors and refrigerators to the struggling families, soup kitchens, and charitable organizations will be the only answer to so many young families, the elderly, and the disabled. I suppose each city will have to elect a Mayor who will budget for these pantries of help. You would think the governor would be helpful, but that is not the case in Illinois.
Individual success with small bonuses per month, working at least two jobs (none offer more then 20 or for sure less then 40 so as not to pay benefits), depending on family members or good friends who open their doors and refrigerators to the struggling families, soup kitchens, and charitable organizations will be the only answer to so many young families, the elderly, and the disabled. I suppose each city will have to elect a Mayor who will budget for these pantries of help. You would think the governor would be helpful, but that is not the case in Illinois.
I suppose taking what is on the agenda for America can only be dealt with one day at a time by so many people. May the proper and fair changes be made to ALL those cheating the system, especially big business. Prayer is in order as we move forward.

Barbra Streisand - Somewhere

Top 10 Most Extreme And Awesome First Singing Auditions Ever !

Friday, October 7, 2016

Sarah McLachlan - In the arms of an angel

Air Supply - Making love Out of nothing at all (video lyrics)

Be Honest, How many don't fit these words. What a life. Virtual is best, but it can hurt as bad if you lose that connection on the Internet. Distance becomes the enemy - maybe. It has mostly been so real, I could feel his spirit. We are all 6 degrees of difference between one another. Imagine running into and losing all over again, the virtual love of my life.. He has been the best. He was intelligent, witty, not insecure to give me compliments. Well I won't write on the Internet to him. I love him too much. I know he knows I am within 6 degrees. Kitty Kelso Thanks to Air Supply

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Sunday, August 21, 2016

My Writings from Here and There, Then and Now. Politics-Life

Kitty Kelso, Internet
Pres. B Obama,

It's a sunny day, the simple difference between gloom and glory. I have been frozen in a place not unlike the best basketball game you ever attended. You know the one, when each team player matches point for point the entire game, and you are on the edge of your seat wondering, holding your breath, will there be overtime? No, not like this game has been played. There will be a winner. It is a long game with such anticipation and excitement. Who will win?

I have tried to keep my promise to myself to stay out of politics and comments about the economy. I am stuck in the middle of that state of sitting on the edge of my seat. I backed Barack Obama, even though I am an Independent and always will be. I encouraged thousands/millions of people across this internet to vote for Barry! Thousands did. I begged him to return to Washington and "clean house". Now I wonder, is that exactly what he is doing? Are these the changes that are necessary to bring the bad representatives to the forefront, so we can see the greed across the board? Or, have I been fooled, backing a man who had no intention of saving America - at least for Americans? It is still the middle of the game, and I see no progress. I see regress. Is it necessary to achieve a fair level of existence in this country? Perhaps.

This game, is the most important game of the history of the United States of America. One basket will decide the winner - do we lose the wonder of being United? Will our States be sold off one by one to other countries? Will the media tell us the truth as things unfold? How many fouls? How many "leaders" will be thrown out of the game? How many Americans will be ruined or killed in order to rebuild the bank of the people? There are 42 states fighting an epidemic and were told not to report it to the CDC (Center for Disease Control). No doubt sales for Tamiflu and OTC pain medications have hit an all time high. Stock should climb once again for the pharmaceutical companies, they will reach the top of the charts. How could anyone keep such a fast moving epidemic fly though 42 states unreported? Oklahoma finally brought it to the attention of the world. It is a sorry bacteria born illness that plants itself in the sinuses and drops to the lungs. Healthy people will be able to beat it. Sick, disabled, young, feeble and elderly will not. It will drag them down, down, down until they die of exhaustion. It might take months, but it will do the job. All will need fresh air; it is the only way to beat this epidemic. I just hope the air is truly fresh. Thank you CDC for alerting us to the evidence of this extremely contagious nosomal disease. Now we can take precautions.

In the overall picture of the United States of America, I do believe the people are on their feet. Nobody is ignoring politics today. The stock market will fall drastically within the next couple of months. Exports and imports will be at an all time low. The citizens will be "sand-bagging" their money, so fearful of the future security of simply having a home, their own home. Not just a place to stay while the government collects equities to fill failing banks, as they will fail. Some are already suggesting a percentage of money for keeping an account for businesses and individuals. Imagine, it has come to that.

So, Americans must change. They must prepare for a Drone, camera, phone and Internet bugging existence. It will be a sorry state for both teams as we wait out the outcome of this "game". No one, no one should under-estimate the strength and patriotic commitment of the Citizens of this American team. We will sand-bag, just in case this drastic take over does not show its final outcome by the fourth quarter, final buzzer of this unbelievable plan. I don't even know if it is a plan, it just might have been destiny for years.

Government vs Citizens. We will give little resistance so as not to be Droned (bio?) in our neighborhoods. Have we already? I have seen a Drone go over my home several times in a half hour. It looks like a huge bird. There will be little need for the Drone. The citizens have their own way of holding the ball, killing time, killing the "plan". It won't be a thought out plan, it will be a survival plan. They are quite different when you measure the energy level involved. Your checks are already automatically sent to the bank for most jobs or careers. It is you who must get your money from them. Perhaps, money orders are a safe way of paying your bills after you withdraw your earnings? Once the bank declares bankruptcy, your money stays in the bank or credit union. It goes down with the holder. It ends up at the governments door.

The stocks will rise, the stocks will fall. Then the same sequence will follow, over and over. The only stock worth investing in for now, is in yourself. Nail your shudders, sand-bag your property, keep your shelves stocked with food, medicines, and toys for the little ones. Use public transportation, or cut down to one car per family. Put your money in your pockets; but, don't feel rich. It is now a budget world for the people as well as the politicians.

This game will play itself out. The anticipation will end. The glory will be in the peace and agreements between the two teams. Good game, they will say to each other. Balance, we can balance a budget. Americans come from every country in the world practically. We are a strong people. We have had to start over in a strange country in our distant past. We can do it all over again. The sadness is in the place where this game is being played. It is on the ground of Liberty, Freedom, and Peace. Dreams come true in America. We will pay our debts to other countries that we knew nothing about when they were borrowed. As we rebuild in the end of the game, we will pay a percentage of our take-home pay to each country. However, the United States of America is not for sale, nor will it ever be. We welcome people who want to come to America, to come legally. There is an Ellis Island where all new home finders registered, and because of that we can look back and see where our brave families come from and rejoice that they made us what we are today.

Osama Bin Laden had the huge plan to bring America to its knees economically. Are we there yet? The plan continues to affect a great number of people; however, I do not see the huge changes that are threatened yet. Perhaps the good people are already pulling up the slack in the unfairness of it all. Internet monies & jobs,  Pensions? Healthcare? Savings? 401Ks? College funds? Home equity? Today, it belongs to the people; soon it will be taxed right out of their pockets if the referees don't start calling foul when there is one. I pray for a good game, one that wins for the people. The government people are elected officials, no more intelligent then the people who elected them. It is a sorry state that we finally realized most platform speeches are not the words of the politician, but of someone else who writes what the people want to hear. Politicians are our equal different only because they seemed to have an interest in making things better for their states. We believed their platform words and we voted to put them in the Capitol to represent us, not because they were smarter, wiser, or better. Washington, D.C. has a history of changing egotistically inclined men/women during the power struggles that go on behind closed doors with decisions often ending with greed in mind.

I hope the world is rooting for the good team, the good people. I hope that includes Barack Obama; as I put my heart into his soul, into his words, into the future he painted for American Citizens. Do I agree with all of his decisions so far, heck no. I do however, realize I am not standing in his shoes and perhaps if I were, I would have to be calling some plays now, in order to make the game end fairly.

Today is 7.13.13; I see a tail spin; please call the Best of the Best knowledgeable experts for situations that you are not knowledgeable about. There are so many negative irons in the fire-today we could "shoe" a herd of horses. The information in paragraph two up^, has come to fruition. We know how we (the middle class) have been dealt the heaviest burden for surviving this infrastructure plan, the opposite of the political prose; it's the only topic of chatter on the street. I see and feel the anger building inside of some very wise and informed people. Call D. Trump, spend hrs respecting the enormous amount of intellect that just might rub off; you will learn from him - he will learn from you. Perhaps, you can ask Donald to join you with acquiring the right people to sit at the United States Emergency Council. Warren Buffet? You, Pres.B, are left with the 8-ball, no easy shot. Admit the need for the council, you have the Class to carry it out with nothing but respect and admiration for taking your only shot; call in the greatest council to ever sit with you in Washington, or Chicago. As always, Your back, Kitty Kelso

Sunday, August 14, 2016


An amazing discovery, EQ (emotional quotient). It is when a truly driven person with a high EQ and IQ exhibits passion! Try to realize this can create an individual with successful understanding of most all of your titled knowledge sites. The best find is a true proven visionary who can lead any group (after short understanding of company) to success. It's just what their brain does for the fun of it. Imagine loving building all businesses to be the very best they can be and beyond? HP had 6 visionaries at the top once. I always referred to it on the Internet, especially Twitter, as the Little Engine that Could and Did. However, without ethics in only one of it's visionaries, you will fail or not grow to your potential or lose everything - like trust. It will take many years to see a rebuilding of new visions, new trust, new accomplishments. I see that in HP now and I recommend them highly. Building teams is what I love to do with any business or life challenges no matter how big - then we all work together and find the proper direction - not far away. With logic, strategy, lateral thinking, ability to communicate knowledge - and you have a leader. 
Ethics = Trust = Success
Kitty Kelso

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

I choose never to hear his name again.

There is something terribly amiss when a man like the one standing on the stage with his family's smiles glued on their faces touting his good will and abilities. They are not foolish knowing full well if they do not co-operate to the fullest without question, their place in the will of this horrible man will be eliminated. I feel sorry for their inner-most feelings and beliefs. They, if they have vivid memories of him, must be sorrowful as new children are born as their equal, not once but twice and are spread and barely know each other. Yet they serve their personal "king" and speak to the world that this "Republican" can lead the free world. He can't. He can barely lead his family with happiness. He is a malignant narcissist. He puts money above love. He puts himself above all others - even before this maniacal run for office - disrupting America and it's proper protocol of the election process. Could he have reached this position if he had issued intelligence instead of play-acting and upsetting the norm with rage and attempting to instill fear in The People? No, he has no information that matters to the World, he has no empathy in his head or heart for man - neither in this Land or in others. The man is completely contained in selfishness and does not and will not do anything but ruin America and her ways.
Take that family away to a golf course, a party, or back to the Towers.

I choose never to hear his name again.

There is something terribly amiss when a man like the one standing on the stage with his family's smiles glued on their faces touting his good will and abilities. They are not foolish knowing full well if they do not co-operate to the fullest without question, their place in the will of this horrible man will be eliminated. I feel sorry for their inner-most feelings and beliefs. They, if they have vivid memories of him, must be sorrowful as new children are born as their equal, not once but twice and are spread and barely know each other. Yet they serve their personal "king" and speak to the world that this "Republican" can lead the free world. He can't. He can barely lead his family with happiness. He is a malignant narcissist. He puts money above love. He puts himself above all others - even before this maniacal run for office - disrupting America and it's proper protocol of the election process. Could he have reached this position if he had issued intelligence instead of play-acting and upsetting the norm with rage and attempting to instill fear in The People? No, he has no information that matters to the World, he has no empathy in his head or heart for man - neither in this Land or in others. The man is completely contained in selfishness and does not and will not do anything but ruin America and her ways.
Take that family away to a golf course, a party, or back to the Towers.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

My plans for progress and prosperity are complete. I am giddy like a little girl. I am ready to increase productivity for all of us - and the rest. It is a wonderful plan and I am happy, so happy that it is so simple, yet full of so much potential for all of my dreams and yourself. I have been worried about the Internet and the techs that make it happen. Mobile phones have taken their toll on the artists who have made discovery possible for us all. It seems the mobile phone is a cheaper route to reach you then the home systems and that is the biggest hurdle to putting Screens, bigger screens back into their homes where they can spend time exploring. I don't understand why business, especially big business does not understand that cheaper is better? It would double, triple and more production or membership. The money would flow through the accounts and the stock exchanges if they would understand profit is not the end product of success - it is the customer's contributions. We must get the two sides to work smoothly together, not break the World's progress. I will keep more people smiling, excited to be working again, producing fine products for a reasonable price with the best qualities. My reach is International Trade. I will broker from sales to ports, to countries, to semi-trucks, to my plan for a different type of surge forward sales. I am a Marketer, and I love that I have realized that Advertising is part of that phenomena. I love that I have always been driving into the Ventures and Equities and helping all businesses with KTE Business ReOrganization System. At times, many times KTE Increased Revenue Consultant. I have the support of so many fantastic intelligent people throughout the Internet and those who also write and contribute their information for free. We, the Internet owners, must offer more for members than we do. AT&T has the best game I ever played - learn from it. Facebook gets the most attention (complete attention). It is so very well constructed, but then it becomes boring. People only want to learn so much, then they want to entertain themselves. That is why and Gaming are so important. We must keep a smile on visitors/members. Truly - give away something - often. It is genius for keeping them coming back more often. They will buy hardware for homes as mobile grows exhausting to the eyes. Make it affordable - under or at $50.00. People on earth have little money. People in the clouds hold big amounts close to their chest. Invest in me. Watch the change and don't be afraid. I have a business address of KTE, 4015 Pickfair Road, Springfield, IL  62703. Very soon (this week) there will be a different business bank account for direct donations and investments. I need $10M dollars for seed money. I will show reports of where the money is spent. Forbes will be helping me put KTE on the Dow/Nasdaq where the World can invest in our global continued growth. I will show you the excitement of growing again. God Bless you all, as always, your forever thankful friend - Kitty Kelso

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

carpenters -We've Only Just Begun

I can't get by the fact that this huge star, Karen Carpenter, died at 32. John wrote most of the music that they sung and recorded. They are/were brother and sister, coming from a Mormon home. Stress was a big factor, mainly stage fright before a performance. She was dieting in an unhealthy way. She was hospitalized. When she came home and in that afternoon, she was in her family home closet getting clothes to wear, or putting them away. She died on that hot summer afternoon. Half of a legend was down at 32 y/o.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Trump slithering like a snake in America


We have one choice to make American People secure again, while engaging in the payback of loans to the World Countries who are due. Rebuilding our infrastructure means creating more tax dollars for the increase in worth of the USA reserve to begin this process. Americans will work for the Nation and the World peace.

  •  If the election were the selection of the people, Bernie would win, hands down. We all agree with his passionate understanding of rebuilding infrastructure and paying our debts to the world. If he wins the Democratic nominee election, Trump will bury him with his gaggle of crooked attorneys. Trump will win - America's PEOPLE Will lose on many levels. Trump will not pay debts, he hoards the almighty dollar and has NOT spent his own money on this election process. He uses the tax system to make Americans pay for his ignorance and sick ego. (MALIGNANT NARCISSIST). We as knowledgeable Americans know that our only hope to secure the Nation from a possible WWlll, I to elect Secretary Clinton. I would pray Bernie Sanders would be her Chief Presidential Adviser. WE THE PEOPLE WILL SAVE AMERICA FROM RUINS. The Clinton family laundry is so similar to world population marriages. It has nothing to do with her extreme and deep knowledge of World and Nation. Please understand the three way choice must be explained in detail. BERNIE IS AN ANGEL FOR AMERICA, but Trump will take the PRESIDENCY with billions of dollars in big business support and backing. Kitty Kelso

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Radio 3Fourteen - Susan Kolb - Breast Implants, Silicone Toxicity & 21st...

In 2003 a moratorium was held once again in Washington, D.C. with an extensive number of physicians, plastic surgeons, owners, marketers, family members or friends of patients too sick to stand or wait even in a chair. Others connected to the sales, creation, and advertisers of implants were present and spoke the first couple of days in the congressional hearing. The "judges" to decide whether these breast implants should be sold in the surgical suite of surgeons were physicians from the AMA, Congress men, and the creative companies. A plastic surgeon from my city had been the U.S. Rep. for Plastic Surgeons who insisted had "never had a patient with a problem". His patient of almost 10 yrs had her medical records safe in her bank fault to prove this man had lied and perjured himself in this 2003 testifying experience. When he returned to his city, where he was the President of his Medical Society of his state. He put a solid wall up that no medical/dental doctor, clinic, or hospital, no matter what specialty could care for this personal situation. For the next 12 yrs, that one patient struggled to work, raise sons, and go from doctor to doctor, dentists, gyn/ob, and EMG, specialists of many kinds - who gave her an aspirin and sent her to the next guy on the block. One dear doctor, finally told her the truth. He said that this plastic surgeon had denied treatment to this specific patient who could prove he had perjured himself in D.C. in 2003. His office staff was cold. He was horrible even with a second MRI proving the leakage in 2000. He insisted nobody could get sick from an implant - while standing and teaching of a new resident who was soaking in new information. The next doctor seen for chest pain ordered a echo cardiogram that proved full blown systemic lupus erythematosus which includes many illnesses that could and did eventually put her into a state of chronic declining illness. Three doctors insisted it was fibromyalgia (pain in every fiber of your body). They spent years telling women it was all in their head, causing them to lose their families, friends, and hope for living. Now any treatments are too late, with too little family or loving support to get the patient to a surgeon with the monies needed to get well. Another report came out within the week of 2003, was talking about the Federal export of Medical Devices (mostly breast implants) that is worth $350 Billion dollars. Not one woman was going to be sacrificed in the USA to prove she was sick, losing her life, for $350 Billion dollars. Suffering patients are and have been sacrificed already - and continue to become mothers breast feeding babies causing lifetime illness for them. Dow Corning was supposed to pay the sickest women up to $300,000 with actual diagnoses of lupus, MS, Scleroderma, and other connective tissue diseases. Even though they were involved in class action suits against the company and Dow was supposed to be paying out in that year 2003, $300,000. These sickest women were told to return to the Dow Corning court in Las Vegas, Nevada, and were told to come back with their own personal lawyers. That was basically impossible due to lack of funds following long illness, and the fact that Dow Corning went bankrupt before any of the sickest women could return. No doctor - none - would save the lives of this horrible genocide put into a woman's or a man's (testicular) body and allowing the suffering continue without a family member by their side. Susan Kolb, of this subject lead a group of sick ladies to D.C. in the early years to try to have implants banned. She has a supreme interest in making a big secret a loud fact. Breast implants, and other silicone based products and there are many can and will kill you if not removed. God Bless this revolving door or patients who continue to pray, as there is little left for them to do. It hurts. It hurts the body all over, and it hurts the pride left for the government, and it hurts the heart by infection, and in the lies that separate them from the only comforts of support, family and friends. Kitty Kelso

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bud Clyde Commercials 1 - Turtle Ranch

For your day, see the pride, tenacity, and strength - a sample of American devotion to life. Enjoy.
Kitty Kelso

9/11 Budweiser Commercial - AIRED ONLY ONCE


We carry the pride of life, the pride of survival, the strength of these great horses. This is a special tribute to 9/11 tragedy.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Garth Brooks- Friends In Low Places

My only and first Country Artist that I have followed since he began to share his songs. He is a force. I want to help everyone remember how his music is entertaining and wise.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Who was Charles Perrault? Why the fairy tales you know may not be as they seem - Telegraph

Who was Charles Perrault? Why the fairy tales you know may not be as they seem - Telegraph

Cinderella, Mother Goose, Puss and Boots - Check the link to wish this fine man with a glorious mind a very happy 388th birthday.

Monday, January 11, 2016


Does National Woman's Party still exist? I need an attorney. We are going for the incredible insight and experience (wisdom), that is just fact regarding Hillary. She will keep us safe, and fix with the slice of her pen all things uncharacteristic for fairness in these past years. Kitty Kelso

Image result for national woman's party

See National Woman's Party at Wikepedia

Friday, January 1, 2016

Lisa Marie and Elvis Presley - Dance with my father again

Some meaningful songs from Lisa Presley and Elvis, her dad. May all of your peaceful dreams come true in 2016. Let's reorganize and make all/this country move forward. Happy New Year to you all. Kitty Kelso