Sunday, June 4, 2023

June 4th, 2023

Today, I will work with Blogger to understand more than I know now.  HP and Microsoft? One Launch? I set each stroke of the keypad, then wait for another day of learning. For several days I have made my changes to different dates or times, only to find I didn't save them, no doubt, I probably didn't!! I am terrible at IT and AI.  Both lurk serpenticially just behind my words..  

I am also working with Adsense to monetize all of the words in this blog to date!

5/4/23 Debt Ceiling Passed

It has been a long morning. I am so happy the Debt Ceiling has been passed!! I'm not going to gloat, but a few more months of peace for most people and businesses. I wish I was not so invested in what feels like clear sport, back and forth, bitch bitch bitch. I usually watch a couple, or more news stations during each day to compare all of the news and of course, @Twitter. Then, I listen to what all sides are attempting to contribute, for the people and democracy in America. 

Last night by midnight, we had a deal. 63-36.  America wins!  Democracy wins. Biden wins! The People win. We will have peace for a few more weeks. I will have some matter-of-fact opinions of both @GOP and @DEM as the spouting takes stage by each party. Tonight President Biden speaks on TV. 

Tonight, President Biden Speaks on TV. 

Learning AI at Blogger

Part of being organized is of course, filing.  Lord, I hate filing. I know, I know, we have AI now. It is a wonderful idea and production for all. I don't use paper copies for everything, and I have treasured the Macintosh SE 30 that I used many years ago but I have no idea how to get a few hundred of those documents to print on Internet yet... This, my blog, has become my rest-of-life dependence on AI screening as we do not understand each other at times. I certainly am not the easiest person to navigate a program around. So again, thank you for patience,

I am a writer.  I grab pieces of "paper" across this vast sea of apps and OS sites to jot down a few thoughts. My blog is bringing all of them across this  together. It seems I have been leaving a piece of my mind's thoughts and words here and there on this site since the early 2000. I had never been on an internet and wasn't quite prepared for this learning.

I usually - no always, do  much better keeping my thoughts flowing simply  by "winging it" across all of these venues provided by Blogger, and no doubt more. I just gave the above paragraph a thought at a time to make editing quicker and more effective. Well,

I can't write and edit at the same time, I just can't! It doesn't even make a great deal of interesting lingo to me afterwards give it my first shot, but here goes.. So, again - I am a writer. 

Politics: Slithering all around by both sides

    Outcome: In Florida? So far, either would be a loss, next...

Music: Bruce Springsteen started to follow me on Twitter! 

I certainly still have a lot to learn about AI and IT but step by step we will see my progress here!

Monday, May 22, 2023

Talking to the Moon

My mind keeps traveling on the ride to the ISS with the paying travelers. They will stay a week and return to Earth. What are they learning? Will it help Earth? People? Plants? Someday there will be new discoveries. I have no doubts about them. I just wanted the ride to the moon where I could answer all of my "wonders" for now..

Politics: My morning habits include only a trip to the news stations. Then I travel to one or two Internet sites. On the way to my birdfeeder out back, I absorb the logic of all of this news and question knowledge it for this hour. There is no true logic.....yet. Vacations for Whitehouse for  GOP, same.

Twitter: Quiet. Very quiet. I have a feed there. Kitty Kelso. I like it. Right now we have a great bunch of followers and follow..ies. The mood changes throughout the day, evening and night .I enjoy each time period during all of these . Many acclaimed #authors, #writers, #politicians, #musicians, #scientists,  #celebrities and others, have joined me on this Tweet site. They have been invited to my address here. The entire #world of people will be coming soon. Today, all is at peace..

Jobs: Seems they come in waves.. Big companies are now hiring. 

Schools are being scrutinized at times with teacher's fighting. Learning for all is in order. All students should have their needs for knowledge examined by each school and taught accordingly. They will be different. 

I have a lily plant. Two weeks old now. Blooms are opening all over the plant,  I count nine. I will prepare a clearing amongst the bulbs for light tonight..

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Just Listen!!

Politically, I am numb. President Biden creates an atmosphere of security for Americans when there is barely any at this time. Nervous people are everywhere.  They specutate if this child's school will be next in a mass shooting, or maybe it will be a shopping mall? Home invasion? Recovery on the job front will not happen soon - people are quiting faster now, to stay safe with their kids at home. We all worry for the people walking alone anywhere...  Or will it be a person getting followed home or walking to or from a car that he/she drives?

Imagine that, allowing an insane cruel man who injures America every time he gets in front of a camera. This man is trying to take over my USA. Never does Biden make me nervous - until, he gives millions-x-many, away after the one year period has passed for me. We need it ($) here now...yet, Ukraine is counting on us so we will continue to  pray. 

Unity get Simon's SECOND Golden Buzzer with EMPOWERING performance | Aud...

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

May 14th, 2023 Mother's Day


Mother's Day, was a surprise. I got a card from T, my son. My new friend V came over with a wonderful Lily plant. It will last weeks as will her dedication to making life easier for me so I have the time to write, to think, to remember. V is from Lithuania. She is the first person to come my way who can cook actual food. She loves to cook! I love that she can cook all my favorite homecooked meals! She is funny, grumpy, and bossy. She is the first person in the world I think who can shut me up with laughter. She can't be too bossy as I cut her off with a look and/or reasoning and understanding. We have a language misinterpretation often but we laugh and laugh. She speaks excellent English, but I am not familiar with her accent! We are working that out as it happens in our more important conversations.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

My political opinion lands me standing in the middle of a landslide of mud. The worldly take-over is choppy at best. The People, they are committed to fight as if their lives depended on it. We now know they do. I believe lack of proper investigation and learning is a fact. We now know it is rooted in the lack of proper education provided for minorities, DEM and GOP. This bottom denominator hovers with the bottom scores especially for Mathematic scores; Basic Arithmetic.

Quiet is in order...we wait.

I've lived alone for over 25 years, although I have talked to my Lord since I was a 7 year-old Catholic girl child.  This is not exactly a diary, it is more.. It is an understanding of my connection to so much Logic and Wisdom on this Internet. One World is exciting for me, yet the tension it has brought is very bad. If I had to guess how many years it will take to have the peace, fairness and organization, perhaps, never...



Thursday, May 4, 2023

Gathering Thoughts...


Free-falling with my thoughts for awhile now...

The 2020 election was brutal. I road the facts of both sides. I gave 100% of my writing to elect Joe Biden, the only team that promised to govern all people in the nation for the good efforts he promised.. and he stood a chance. By the time the first 7 weeks was up of wondering what unbelievable illness was destroying my lungs, my throat and all my holidays? I was in medicine most of my life to fall on, but new advice by my existing president in which he offered (during a special report, evening TV) in which he advised the nation to drink bleach.  He was out forever in my book. What in God's name was he thinking?

My thoughts here will read like chapters in a novel, unique for me. I have listened to around 5000 audio novels. I am fighting a unique toxin flowing throughout my body..(silicone, after under-muscle procedure both sides two weeks emptied after operation). It hurt then and it hurts now (30 years later) but these days I am feeling better, 30%!   

I have learned that narrators in books and novels hold a key position in increasing the publishing, marketing, sales and interest for the writing communities. 

Writers: Hire an editor (I don't recommend family). Some editors will stay with you through your drafts before publishing. Be sure to ask all editors you interview what you, as a writer, can expect. Now you will be ready for your published book!  

In the audio market you will feel an enormous new opportunity with whom to share your words..

Saturday, April 15, 2023

6.4.17 Military Coup




Kitty's Ink,

Somewhere in history this coup was begun. Our politicians sold our souls to the devil by entering a war unjustly. The difference between a "Military Coup" and the one happening in front of our eyes is that they wear not just red ties, but they vote for obvious loss for the American People in a state of paying attention to where their votes might be based. Your leaders end up giving all politicians a right to continue lies & deals for congress, senate & all political arenas around the Nation.

So better late than ever, listen. We are losing our country to the World Global Take-Over Plan. It's about your money or the lack of it. We are in a strange war, but it is war declared or undeclared on the People of many nations, especially.  USA  citizens are suffering as budgets become more important to plug potholes. We need a "People's Solution" group immediately. We are looking at WWII+, only this time it will be on USA soil.

Stop this administration. A government shutdown will tell you who are the crooked ice cold leaders who work for you now!! Don't vote for them again - new blood! It's a new Nation meeting of the People of USA. We call on advice from a leader, not a traitor......we call on reality!

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

History of Kitty's Ink

 As I travel back thru the year's of writing, commenting on my own comments, playing my favorite music.  initiated this fine Blog (Kitty's Ink) when I found it in 2012. 

Poor Google. I took myself to this open encyclopedic opportunity. I found my LinkedIn site a few years later. Yahoo techs at the time had enormous patience with this dyslexic adhd short-term all but missing memory shocked human. I will never understand all of the Internet. I found my way, frustrating for the lot of us. My Blog was free during this trial period in 2012. I learned half way through (10 years) how to add my favorite music from YouTube and, my favorite words. I could not figure out, how to make it pubic!!! 

The Landline people from Hotmail, Microsoft, and MSN were springboards to Yahoo where it took years to teach me enough IT to launch myself to the Google doorstep for a Gmail email account! The new learning affair had begun. I thought I had died and gone straight to the Golden Gates of opportunity. 

Saturday, April 1, 2023


I have "known" this guy well for years, over 25. He was fun to watch as a business man. He was good to his ex-wives, and generous to his children. He just didn't have much time with any of them most of his life. Once he set out on his own, he had watched and learned from a master, his father. Donald was hungry to chomp on the BIG real estate market. He played with buildings like most kids play with Legos. He fell down and he got back up several times (marriages count). When the kids were old enough and educated, they had a future in Donald J. Trump. He became a very proud father all over again. I knew he was a heck of a business man, and I admired him. I thought, "Any friend of Regis Philbin has GOT to be a good man!". I even applied for a job working by his side at Trump Towers. I had hopes of managing the Taj Mahal. Thankfully I didn't get the job. I was wrong about the man and his leadership and business skills. He changed dramatically. He was a happier man back then. He wasn't always grumpy and being irresponsible. Now I don't think he belongs where he is; he has always been addicted to the news media to create a controversy to get his name in the paper, and he was taking crazy headlines out in newspapers under a fake name; really, in the past; then he got on TV. He changed as his ego grew and his chest pumped bigger and bigger every time he felt personal admiration. I wish he would go home to New York and Trump Towers. I wanted to admire him as only a business man again. 

It is too late for that now. Kitty Kelso 

Top Greatest First Singing Auditions

Sunday, January 29, 2023

KTE is stuck in a Consultant's Block, I need help!

Little by little, the tangle of plans to experience many countries fabric creating talents. We need different types of fabrics for the new sewers in the land. This has been my plan all along. But now I am stuck. 

The Pandemic of course was a superior reason I couldn't move ahead. But I could have been planning...frankly I was afraid none of us would see a future. However, during that time, I found a fantastic friend who belongs to all channels internet it seems. He is a kind man and head of a huge portion of docks in Georgia. He is my friend. He let me ask him about my plans to sail a "boat" to collect and deliver my fabric products....etc. He told his friends and I was then offered temporary warehouse spaces by my new friends at the docks at no charge. Imagine that! 

I was left a magnificent building in a magnificent placement by my father. He took me to the building and introduced me to the different areas throughout the building. There were other smaller buildings he took me to - "Yours', if you want 'em Kit, he said.". Of course I said I wanted them right away.

All four corners going around it by Interstate and/or highway, right there.....huge parking lot. Big for semi's and traffic coming from around the United States and people wanting to travel through St. Louis, MO or Chicago, IL.... I'm right in the middle. Springfield, IL. 

We will accept fabric books only, but will be represented by Country Name with signage inside a certain area rented by the countries offering new designs, fabric weight (very, very important) and colors (missing pastels it seems? ).

So, we will have semi's delivery and pick-ups of orders by online. I would suggest highly a trip from all directions by seamstresses looking at a world of talent, color and enjoyment. Cars, trains, buses will be able to ferry curious talented women and men to the center for fabric creations. 

Here is the bad horrible news. My sister would not give me the keys to my building! She sold it for taxes. I knew nothing about this. She is the evil sister, well there are more. I drove by it last week and it is is waiting I am sure. Here is the other horrible news: this evil sister and step brother walked off with their arrangement - one owned the parking lot and the other took possession of the keys of my building.  I just found all this out...I never dreamed they would take all the money, all the buildings, and I hope all the shame. I could go on about the millions that got name was not there. I made his first successful company happen. Just him and me. I left after the first million was made. His pregnant girlfriend (my age) pranced in and took over with a big diamond ring. I left for my medical life. I was finally happy and free to learn what I, Kitty, loved. 17 years at an 800 bed hospital. I held many surgery though - not that I wasn't willing to give it a try! When I left the hospital I started my very own business, actually three of them. They ran during the 10 years of constant challenge and enjoyment. 

There is nothing like seeing your thoughts in motion.!k

To be continued..... (my building now sits empty!) Only a week ago, I drove to it and looked in every single window. Mine...I could rent it from the auction owners. The parking lot? I don't know about that and I am in the process of investigating. k

I have good friends in 5 countries....I have a view....Prince says there are fees for all trades arriving at their docs from my traders. I will be a Broker.

Merry Christmas to all of my New and Older Internet Friends, 2022

I have always had a journal. It has been my salvation:

"Christmas 10:45 p.m."

December 25th, 1993

 Dear God, 

Just a cover of satin white snow for a perfect effect on this, your special day. A bit of winter flu to remind me of my physical vulnerability. I missed all but your celebration. Happy Birthday...
Thank you for your love, your generosity, your precious gifts to me. How could I be so blessed? The Christmas decorations evoke barely a bit of spirit from me. Daisy's stocking will hang over our tree as a reminder of what loyalty is. She will have our hearts forever. 
Thank you again, for my peace and tranquility, my boys, my friends and yes, even my family. 

Love Kitty

I Survived the Biden-Harris Amazing Election

I have looked and found a million reasons not to write again, here in the "privacy" of my little corner of the World. It went for years without me understanding all the steps between clicking and understanding why. Yet, I am privileged to have found my way through most of my technical problems.I play a game called "Connect the Dots" at FB. Well now that I topped too many (5200), I tried to apply what I learned and what how it might help me putting all of my peripherals (SE30 Mac) that are still like new, I have all the cords - together in a box, at least 40!!! I wanted to use this as an excuse to not come back here quite yet. So I'm going to wing-it as they say, and just talk to you right now. I laid out all of my cords and they are still laid out the length of my living-room and kitchen. Today, I have all that I need. So far so good! Thank you Blogger,! 

 Projection: Joe Biden has slayed me with his strength at wisdom and application. This mess will be settled by his slow steady hand and mind. He has a solid Administration. We have knowledge and the willingness to share, learn, and teach. You know what they say - nice guys finish last? Biden will hold steady and keep his ships moving about the lands, we will trade. Our pride for his loyalty is here, the rest of Americans will begin to enjoy the Peace and the former acute problems will begin to be history/old news. My belief is that the former president will grow tired of no regular reality tv on a daily basis, and shift his attention and hate towards NYC-Cummo, CNN - , etal