Sunday, June 4, 2023

Learning AI at Blogger

Part of being organized is of course, filing.  Lord, I hate filing. I know, I know, we have AI now. It is a wonderful idea and production for all. I don't use paper copies for everything, and I have treasured the Macintosh SE 30 that I used many years ago but I have no idea how to get a few hundred of those documents to print on Internet yet... This, my blog, has become my rest-of-life dependence on AI screening as we do not understand each other at times. I certainly am not the easiest person to navigate a program around. So again, thank you for patience,

I am a writer.  I grab pieces of "paper" across this vast sea of apps and OS sites to jot down a few thoughts. My blog is bringing all of them across this  together. It seems I have been leaving a piece of my mind's thoughts and words here and there on this site since the early 2000. I had never been on an internet and wasn't quite prepared for this learning.

I usually - no always, do  much better keeping my thoughts flowing simply  by "winging it" across all of these venues provided by Blogger, and no doubt more. I just gave the above paragraph a thought at a time to make editing quicker and more effective. Well,

I can't write and edit at the same time, I just can't! It doesn't even make a great deal of interesting lingo to me afterwards give it my first shot, but here goes.. So, again - I am a writer. 

Politics: Slithering all around by both sides

    Outcome: In Florida? So far, either would be a loss, next...

Music: Bruce Springsteen started to follow me on Twitter! 

I certainly still have a lot to learn about AI and IT but step by step we will see my progress here!

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